Yakult Health Foods: Maroyaka Kale

In fact, Yakult just launched its Health food range in Singapore. I am lucky to witness the launch and get to try their new product: Maroyaka Kale. Thanks to Agnes from AT Marketing Consultancy(www.atmc.com.sg) for inviting me.

It tasted like non sweet green veggy drink if you add in just cold water. Best to drink with milk, yogurt or even cereal. Do not mix with hot water as it does not dissolve well.

After I drank, I quickly rush to the toilet. Guess the water soluble fibre helps me digest and detox better.

If you are interested in the product, from now till 30 Sept 2014, you can purchase it at Promo price $79.90(UP $87.90), only at Guardian Pharmacy.

If you want to know more about the range and how it improve your Colon health, do call and attend the talk. Details below.


日前,在Chinatown Point隆重推出的Yakult Health Food系列,在Abeille d'Or公司的代理下登陆新加坡。我有幸出席他们的开幕礼并有机会尝试新产品:Maroyaka Kale青汁。感谢AT Marketing Consultancy(www.atmc.com.sg)公关公司的邀请。




有兴趣者,从现在至2014年9月30日到Guardian Pharmacy,可以优惠价$79.90(原价$87.90)购买Maroyaka Kale(一盒30包装)。

如果想了解更多,可出席这个星期六,由Dr Haresh Kumar Kantilai博士主讲的"大肠保健讲座"。
地点:3 Coleman Street #03-14 Peninsular Shopping Centre
收费:$10 (可当天全数兑换任何Yakult Health Food系列产品)


预知更多详情,可上官网:www.abeilledor.sg或脸书页面 www.facebook.com/pages/YHF-by-AbeilleDor/


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