Review: 1128 and Nassim Hill

If you like your beer fresh, I strongly recommend you to have it in 1128 and Nassim Hill(Tanglin Post Office building). 1128 is world first flagship Grimbergen Bar, serves 3 style of Grimbergen beer on tap: Blanche, Blonde and Ambree. Why 1128? That was when the Belgium beer was founded.

I especially like the Blanche(6% alcohol content), very light and fresh and chill at the right temperature. $10 nett, 250ml.
And it's best to go with the finger food here! Forget about French fries and nachos but please say yes to crispy chicken skin($10) and chicken liver stir-fry($12 nett) here.
I know they are sinful and fattening but I can't help eating them non-stop.
The crispy chicken skin reminded me of Popeye fried chicken minus the meat, so crispy, seems "fat-free"(trying to console myself) and so addictive!
The chicken liver is my all time favourite! It reminded me of the 沙煲猪肝, minus the gravy. The ginger sweet sauce give a nice taste and aroma, and its so irresistible.
The beer also play a big part in the "enjoying" process, as it helped to wash down the greasiness and sinfulness.

If you want to have a proper meal, you can proceed to Nassim Hill for nice lunch or dinner. Here also serve Grimbergen Beer, plus nice bread and western food.
I recommended Nonya beef Tenderloin Curry($20nett), serve with baguette.

Address: 56 Tanglin Post Office. Tel: 68341128
Opening Hour for 1128: Tues-Sunday 4pm-1am. Closed on Monday.


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