Lemon Cake

Last Saturday was my mom's birthday, I asked her what birthday cake she wanted me to bake, she said lemon cake. Coincidentally, another friend whose birthday also in March, wanted me to bake lemon cake for her birthday too! (didn't know lemon cake is so popular)

So for the past weekends, I have been trying out different lemon cake recipes(vegan and used oil not butter), baked twice, both turnEd out wet and not successful. So I guessed, the previous recipe that I tried and posted was still the best, so this is it:

100g margarine
60g caster sugar
2 eggs
120g top flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
Zest from 1 lemon
juice from 1 lemon

1. Beat margarine till smooth.
2. Add half potion of sugar each time, till mixture turn slightly pale.
3. Add egg, pour 1/4 potion each time till mix well.
4. Add sifted top flour, baking powder and salt. Use spatula to mix well.
5. Add lemon zest and juice, mix well.
6. Fill pan 3/4 cup full and put in preheated oven at 160 degree, bake for 20 minutes.
7. Cool on rack and ready to serve.

Texture was soft, fluffy yet dense, and very lemony. We liked!


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