Ah-Balling 团团圆圆

As all know, 汤圆 symbolize 团团圆圆。 not only 冬至 is best to eat 汤圆,CNY is also the best time to have with family and friends.
I used to go Golden Mile Food Centre for Ah-Balling with peanut soup. That day i saw canned peanut soup in supermarket and i thought i can replicate the Ah-Balling I remembered. And with just 2 items, and easy steps, I actually can recreate and replicate this dessert. You can try at home too. Here is the recipe:

1 can of peanut soup (see pic)
1 pkt of glutinous rice ball with black sesame filling(or any filling of your choice)

1. Boil glutinous rice balls in boiling water till expand and float on the surface. Set aside.
2. Heat peanut soup till boiled. Pour soup on the glutinous rice balls.
3. Ready to serve.

I have submitted this post to Aspiring Bakers #15: Auspicious dishes for CNY(Jan 2012) hosted by wen of Wen's Delight


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